Professor of Services Marketing
Director of marketing laboratory MARLAB
My publications include: Articles in Scientific Journals, Books, Book Chapters and Papers in Conference Proceedings.
To download these publications please do so through my Research Gate profile or by clicking on the title of the publication.
Recently published article:
Tsiotsou, R.H. (2019). Rate my firm: cultural differences in service evaluations. Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 33 Issue 7, pp. 815-836. 2018 Journal Impact Factor: 2.42 10.1108/JSM-12-2018-0358
Recently published paper:
Rodoula H. Tsiotsou (2018). An Investigation of the Antecedents of Customer Co-creation and Co-production in Health Services. In Proceedings of the 10th AMA SERVSIG 2018 –International Service Research Conference, (p. 430-434) June 14-16, Paris, France.
Latest published book:
Τσιότσου, Ρ.Η. (2020). Αθλητικό Μάρκετινγκ. Broken Hill Publishers. ISBN: 9789925575633
(Tsiotsou, R.H. (2020). Sport Marketing . Broken Hill Publishers. ISBN: 9789925575633